Tricks of the trade

You are what you eat; Diamond’s are a girls best friend; You can tell who a person is by the shoes they wear; If you’ve got it flaunt it; BMW driver’s are stereotypically pompous and egotistical whilst we have the drop dead gorgeous Mini Cooper driver cliché’. Who delegates these standards and more importantly why […]

Playing with Fire

Applying for a post-grad position in AAA’s (School of advertising) class of 2013 I came across a rather intriguing question. Imagine that you are a product.  Name the product you have chosen to be.  Which qualities make you (the product) different? The Product I chose..a Zippo Lighter..and this is what I had to say about […]

Siri-ous (R16 for this one folks)

Whilst galavanting on YouTube searching for my previous post’s Samsung Galaxy s3’s lastest advert, I came across two videos, which I am still struggling to define..hmmm..I like to think of it as a combination between opportunity of new technology and absolute cheese..but is indeed quite entertaining. In a social media obsessed society as we […]

It’s already here..

During a Visual communication Lecture last week Wednesday we were discussing the article The Long March, first published in 2001, by well known design critic Max Bruinsma in which he discusses the “empowering effects of the media”. Within his article he refers to current trend in innovative advertising known as “Outsmarting the Competition”. “In a media […]

LNN with Loyiso Gola

The Late night news with Loyiso Gola,..Loyiso Gola?  A comedian performing comedy since 2000 and has graced the stages of all the major festivals and events on the local comedy calendar. He started his career performing at the 2005 and 2006 instalments of the Cape Town International Comedy Festival, South Africa’s most prestigious comedy event, he became […]